Monday, November 9, 2015

Goals for English Class and College Experience

Goals.jpgEveryone has some sort of goals that they want to accomplish. By setting up goals gives motivation and encouragement to move forward and to find meaning in life. I have set goals for myself,too. My family and I moved a long way from China to the United States. They want me to have a better future.
writing.pngOn July 2015, it was the time when I registered for college English class , I struggled to choose between LLD English class and Stretch English class. LLD English class is only for one semester. If pass with a high score can advance into English 1A class. Stretch English is a one year long version of written communication which allows more opportunities to practice and to build up a stronger writing skill. After having a better understanding in both classes, I decided to choose Stretch English because I needed more time to practice for my writing skills. In this one year long Stretch English class, my goals are to build up stronger writing skills and to learn useful writing techniques. So far in this class, I learned to write concretely of an essay which meant in a detailed and specific way. Writing concretely leads the readers to understand the messages and ideas from my essay. I also learned to use independent clauses, dependent clauses, parallel structures and the variety of punctuations. Those are very helpful for writing a comprehensive and critical essay. I still need to work more on my grammar and sentence structures such as verb tense shifts, subject verb agreements, singular- plural words and prepositions. For example when I am writing an essay, I have trouble with the tenses. Sometimes I get confused of when to use present and past tenses. In my previous essay “Looking for Work”, my tense shifted in a sentence such as “ He believed if he has a job, his family will turn out to be the family he saw on Tv”. The correct tense should be had instead of has. I will work on the weaknesses of my writing and to achieve my goals in Stretch English class.

For most of the college students, they set goals for themselves either in short term goal or long term goal. Goal setting is an important part of succeeding in college. 
academic_goals-282x195.jpgBy setting goals, students set a road map of where they want to go. My goals in college are to increase my knowledge, to expand my interests and to receive the training I need for a professional career. 
College is a best way to explore and to understand more of 
myself. I have a variety of opportunities to get involved in the 
college campus. The way to expand my interests is to join 
different organizations and clubs. By joining organizations 
and clubs, I can find out what interests me the most. College also provides me the training I need for a professional career. My major is general business; I want to switch to computer engineering. I have to study hard and pass the required classes to get into the major I want. Knowledge is important in college and as well as in the future. It prevents us from making the same mistakes we made in the past. We can improve ourselves by the increasing of knowledge. Knowledge is power; that’s why we are in college to earn that power.

   I always set goals for myself, so I know the pathway of where to go. I am the first person in my family to go college. They have high expectations for me. I will achieve my goals and to earn a better living in life.

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