Transferring from high school to college is a difficult pathway to go through because I have to get used to the environment and the courses’ level in college. I live in the dorm with two other roommates. Living away from my parents, I learned to be independent. I am the person who usually didn’t know how to cook. At home, my parents cooked for me everyday. By living in the dorm, I have a chance to learn how to cook for myself. On the weekend, my roommates and I will usually buy groceries from the supermarket to make our lunch and dinner. There was one time my roommates and I went to the Safeway nearby San Jose State University. At Safeway, one of my roommates said: “ What should we buy?” I replied: “ The problem was what food we could cook.” After wandering around every sections at Safeway, we ended up with just some vegetables and rice. There was no meats because we did not know how to cook. We came back to the dorm and took out the rice cooker that one of my roommate bought from home. The first step we did was to wash the vegetables and to cut them into pieces. Then, we cooked the rice. It was difficult especially when there was no kitchen; we had to cook in the dorm. That took us about two hours to cook the dinner. However, the dinner did not turn out the way we expected. The vegetables were overcooked and the rice added too much water; we couldn’t eat any of them. Many of you might think why don’t just eat outside at a restaurant- it was more convenient. I could, but it costs too much money to eat outside every time. Even though, we did not cook successfully this time. However, we learned from the process. We could improve by the next time.
Besides learning to be independent, the most important in
college is to be proactive. College can be getting very difficult.
When I get stuck, it is beneficial to get help from someone.
There are a lot of resources on campus that are available to
students such as the writing center, counseling, the tutoring
center and much more. A couple weeks ago, I just had a
speech in public speaking class. Before the speech, I went
to the communication center to get help on my speech outline.
They helped me look through my rough draft and gave me
suggestions on how to improve my speech outline. Being
proactive helps me to get good grades in class and to expand
my knowledge.
my knowledge.
I can refer to the notes when there is a test coming up. When school just started, I did not get into the habit of note taking. Usually in high school, the teachers told us to take notes. In college, there is no one telling me that I should take notes. One time in my dance appreciation class, I saw the person who sat next to me was writing down everything that the professor said. At that time, I still didn’t realize the importance of taking notes until the next day of class. In the next day of class, the professor talked back to the lesson that was giving the last class. I only remembered some of the lesson materials in my blurry mind. If I took notes, I would know all the lesson materials. After that, I finally recognized the importance of taking notes in class. Taking notes helps remind me of the lessons that the professors taught. It is very a useful skill, so I started to get into the habit of note taking.
I am still on my way to explore college life and to learn more on myself. San Jose State University is a very enthusiastic and friendly school. I always feel like I am part of the community. Although transferring from high school to college seems a difficult process, I will strive to do my best to make everything possible.